Strategic Planning

One of my clients had developed a successful company creating custom apps which they licenced to clients mainly in the safety and FM sectors. The business had built an effective delivery team, a great reputation and a loyal client base. But loyal as the clients were...
If you had no competition, you could charge as much as you wanted, there would be no worry about customer service and you could just concentrate on getting your stuff made as cheaply as possible.
The journey to achieving a sale is a long one and starts as soon as you have started or bought the business. But assuming you now have a business which you believe is marketable and which you would like to sell, your thoughts...
All businesses have finite resources and, when cash is tight, marketing is often one of the first areas to be squeezed.  Also, if a business is in a phase where other priorities, like net profit or an owner exit, are more important, marketing spend can drop into...